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DNA Surveillance

Species identification with DNA

What Rat is That? Home About How to Use The Science Links and Publications Data Ownership
Search Cluster (Simple) Cluster (Advanced) Maximum Likelihood Example Data
  1. Paste your sequence into the Data Entry window. Only one sequence is permitted.
  2. Select the reference dataset by clicking the button appropriate for the desired taxonomic group and genomic region.
  3. Enter an Email address.
  4. Click on the Submit button.

Note 1: If you enter multiple sequences, they must be in FASTA format.

Genomic regions:
COI_v3 = Cytochrome Oxidase I (v3) ; CytB_v3 = Cytochrome b (v3) ; DLoop_v3 = Control Region (v3)

Data Entry

Select a database:
     Pos 1-250
     Pos 1-200
     Pos 101-300
     Pos 201-400
     Pos 301-500
     Pos 401-600
     Pos 501-end

Email address: 